
Forlì is a historic city located in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy, known for its beautiful architecture, rich cultural heritage, and charming medieval streets. The city has a long and fascinating history, dating back to the Roman era, and is filled with interesting sights and attractions.

Here are the top 8 tourist highlights in Forlì:

  1. Piazza Saffi - This beautiful square is the heart of the city and is surrounded by historic buildings, including the Palazzo Comunale and the Palazzo del Podestà. Website:

  2. Abbey of San Mercuriale - This beautiful church dates back to the 12th century and features stunning frescoes, sculptures, and artwork. Website:

  3. Musei di San Domenico - This museum complex is housed in a former monastery and features a collection of art, archaeology, and history. Website:

  4. Rocca di Ravaldino - This medieval fortress was once a defensive stronghold for the city and offers stunning views of Forlì and the surrounding countryside. Website:

  5. Pinacoteca Civica - This art museum features a collection of paintings and sculptures by Italian and European artists from the 14th to the 20th century. Website:

  6. Orto Botanico di Forlì - This beautiful botanical garden is home to a wide variety of plants and flowers from around the world, as well as a greenhouse and an arboretum. Website:

  7. Museo Archeologico - This archaeological museum features a collection of artifacts from the prehistoric, Roman, and medieval eras, as well as a section dedicated to the history of Forlì. Website:

  8. Teatro Diego Fabbri - This historic theater is named after the famous playwright from Forlì and hosts theater, music, and other cultural events throughout the year. Website:

Directions to Forlì:

By plane: Forlì has a small regional airport, Aeroporto di Forlì, which is located about 5 km from the city center. From the airport, you can take a bus or a taxi to Forlì.

By train: Forlì has a train station that is served by several regional trains. The station is located on the Bologna-Ancona line.

By car: Forlì is located about 80 km southeast of Bologna and can be easily reached by car via the A14 motorway.